Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mommy's little helper

Carter took it upon himself to help out feeding the cats the other day! He sampled quite a bit of cat food in the process, and made a huge mess, but the whole process kept him entertained for the better part of an hour.

On a sad note, our little grey and black tabby went missing last wed. night. I adopted this little cat after college and she has been with me when I moved to Colorado, got married, moved back to Texas, moved into our first house and had our first two babies. Cats don't adjust to change well, but she's been quite a little trooper and she and Carter were fast friends. The day she went missing they were playing in the back yard and she was loving every minute of it. Cats are surprising little creatures, so I'm still holding out hope that she might come home, but she was never one to roam, so I just feel in my heart something has happened to her.


The Riddells said...

You must be really relaxed now with 2 under 2! I can't even see you allowing this but it cracks me up! I really hope you guys find your cat. Keep me posted.

Leanne said...

Lovin' your posts! And I hope your cat comes home!