Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Wednesday 'Happies'

HEB - Went to our neighborhood store last night in search of unsulphered dried apricots and organic, wheat-free teething biscuits. Two items impossible to find just about anywhere except Whole Foods guessed it, HEB!

Stargazer lilies - We bought some before the Thanksgiving festivities and they are still beautiful. Plus, I had forgotten how amazing they smell!

Other mommies - they keep me sane and have become some of my best friends. I love our Wed get-togethers.

Coffee - Caffeine. need I say more?

Breakfast - Now that the little C-man has a place to eat other than smack-dab in the middle of the kitchen table I can actually eat this meal while he's eating rather than scarfing a handful of cereal straight from the box between diaper changes.

Music - for some reason my ipod has just been collecting dust lately (maybe because I haven't darkened the door of a gym in 2 months?), but I recently fired it back up and it's amazing how it keeps the day hoppin' along.

Frank Sinatra - His lovely voice has been dominating the aforementioned ipod, and his crooning is the perfect soundtrack to these pre-holiday weeks. Plus I feel classy listening to his music even when I'm up to my elbows in, well, even when things get messy.

Pony tails - The mommydo is finally long enough to put up! I know, I know. I was trying to get away from them with the short hair cut, but I hated having to fix it every day. I'm loving how I can just yank it back and go now. Needless-to-say, I rock the p.t. all day, every day.

Schedules - we have strayed away from our typical routine, but I'm bound and determined to get us back on track because I'm able to handle the inevitable curve balls the C-monster throws my way much better when I at least think I have my act together.

Mr. C - He may not be into blogging, but that's ok because he's just flat out amazing in every other way. Perfect example? I went to bed early last night and left a pile of laundry on the couch...woke up this morning and it was gone! He folded and put it away. Oh how I love that man!

And of course,
This little guy :) - He's pulling up now and babbling "da da" all the time (has no idea what that means yet, so there's still hope for "ma ma"!). He didn't pull up here, but he was so cute I had to post it anyway


Sure Shot said...

Hola chica! Checking the blog always brightens my day! Love you and the C-Man!

Leanne said...

The "grand finale" was worth the wait. Hilarious!

The Nall Knoll said...

Gina - his laugh is cute, but I love hearing yours, as well.