Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Never say 'never'.

Before I was a mom there were a lot of things I swore I would never do as a parent. As a self-proclaimed germ-a-phobe, giving my child a dirty pacifier/bottle/finger just to get him to be quiet was at the top of my list.

Well, we're in the grocery store the other day and the munchkin launches his paci on the disgusting grocery store floor. Having forgotten to pack a back-up, I shove it in my pocket and try to finish up as fast as possible before the inevitable melt-down ensues. Of course I wasn't fast enough and as I'm in the checkout lane with THE slowest checker in the universe, the munchkin starts throwing the kind of fit that makes other people not want to have kids. So I did it. I yanked out the disgusting paci crawling with God-knows-what, and shoved it in his mouth. What can I say, it plugged the hole.


Allison said...

okay did you at least spit on it and wipe it on your shirt first? hahah. ewwwwww!

Anonymous said...

You know, I used to keep them off my oldest until I could take them home and clean them in boiled water - with my youngest, he did well to get it wiped first! Thanks for visiting my blog today, how cool that you spent time in Belfast. :)

The Riddells said...

I didnt know what a germ-a-phobe you were until Bethany told me Carter dropped a paci and she tried to give it back and you were like "oh, we dont do that". hahaha!

Coming from a self-proclaimed NONgerm-a-phobe, I dont think there is anything wrong with exposing them to a little of the world's yuckiness. Reese just got sick for the 1st time at 10 months so I think there is something to be said about not being to clean! At least that is what I tell myself...