Monday, September 26, 2011


I was reading through blog posts of yore last night, and I came across this little gem as well as this bittersweet post.

I'll let you take a sec to read them.  I'll wait.  No seriously, go ahead, read them.

Ok, so I just have to say that a lot of what I was worried about came true...Carter didn't really understand what was going on when Jack showed up.  He did have to grow up faster than I would have liked.  I do have to split my time, and there were more days that first year than I care to admit when I was still in my pajamas (and still hadn't brushed my teeth) when Mr. C got home from work.  Between conflicting nap schedules, feeding schedules, or because someone always seemed to be sick, we didn't get out much, and a mental breakdown always seemed to lurk in the shadows of laundry piles waiting to pounce.  BUT, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and I could have never foreseen was how much joy, love, laughter, discipline (good self discipline), and perspective Jack would bring to the table.  Our little family and just life in general is so much better because he is here.  SO much better.  He is just awesome.

Our family is so blessed.  My heart is so full.  I love both my precious boys so much, and I can't imagine one without the other.  2 under 2 was no cake walk, but it certainly wasn't the unbearable nightmare I envisioned.  In fact, now that they are older and we are on the other side of the baby days (pretty soon, I won't even have ONE under two...sniff. sniff.), I just love how close they are in age, because they are each other's best friend.  I might even venture to say it has been a dream come true for this stay-at-home mom.  Ok, not when they are fighting, but the rest of the time, it's pretty great! :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Setting Up the Pins

Recently had the privilege of seeing musician and song writer Sara Groves in concert.  I fell in love with her music and just her personality in general.  This song especially captured my heart since in speaks to our life and really the whole idea behind this blog.  The song is by itself is great, but the music video is just so darn cute, I had to include it.

man in a silk tie heads downtown
setting up the pins for knocking em down
people in cars all rushing around
setting up the pins
let's get rich find a way around
setting up the pins for knocking em down
we'll get gadget with a whirring sound
for setting up the pins
everyone everywhere some way some how
are setting up the pins for knocking em down
you can find joy in the fertile ground
setting up the pins and knocking em down
you can try to fight it till you're anger drowned
setting up the pins
everyone everywhere some way some how
are setting up the pins for knocking em down
it can feel simple but it's really profound
setting up the pins
rent a tent, build a stage, throw a party, get a gown
buy a ticket, rent a car, pack a bag and leave town,
cook a dinner, clean the kitchen hit the light
brush your teeth, read a book, say a prayer good-night
everyone everywhere some way some how
are setting up the pins for knocking em down
it can feel simple but it's really profound...
my grandmother had a working song
hummed it low all day long
sing for the beauty that's to be found
in setting up the pins for knocking em down

Hope you all are enjoying this beautiful Labor Day.  We haven't done a whole bunch, just mainly setting up the pins for knocking them back down tomorrow :) Have a great week!